The Taroona FC Committee is pleased to announce that we have a new President and Secretary.
Mark Painter was elected to the role of President by the Committee on Sunday 7 April. Mark has had a long involvement with our club and has served on the Committee for many years in the roles of both Treasurer and general Committee member. He brings a strong understanding of governance, infrastructure and finance to the role as well as a sound knowledge of the game both as a former player in one of our Social Men’s teams and as parent of players who made their way through our youth ranks to senior levels. The Committee welcomes Mark to the President position.
Mark is taking over the role from Jordy Wright who resigned from the President position after three and a half years at the helm. Jordy’s tenure is most notable for the strong and positive relationships he has formed, particularly with the Football Tasmania CEOs and team, and for seeing the club/change room development ‘dream’ finally come to fruition. Jordy has been the face of the Club at countless meetings with politicians, aspiring politicians, and council representatives in the pursuit of the funding for the much needed development. A project that was first started in earnest around ten years ago is now a reality thanks almost entirely to the hard work of Jordy along with Marcus and Geoff Atkinson. Throughout his term, Jordy has been a strong supporter of the Taroona Skills Program which started in 2014 and has now grown to having over 70 players involved in term 1 this year. Jordy has also been a well-respected coach at the club and is this year coaching the Senior Men’s Ressies team.
The Committee thanks Jordy for all his efforts and is delighted that he will continue sharing his knowledge and experience as a general Committee member.
Peter Barry has also stood down from his role as Club Secretary and will be replaced by Janette Power. The Committee thanks Peter most sincerely for his work as a dedicated Secretary - recording meetings, dealing with correspondence and keeping the Committee on track at meetings! As well as this formal role, Peter has also been a regular handy man/trouble shooter at Kelvedon and has taken the lead in dealing with Councils regarding access to facilities for training. Peter has agreed to continue in that ‘ground management’ role and as a general committee member while handing the Secretary duties to Janette. Janette has a son in the Taroona Development Program and a daughter in our Championship team and the Committee welcomes her to the role.
