We welcome new and returning players to Taroona FC.
Registrations are open via the Play Football website.
Select Junior, Youth or Adult football as appropriate, then search for Taroona Football Club. ​
2025 FEES
Age you turn in 2025
Junior (U4 to U7) - $130
Junior (U8 to U12) - $180
Youth (Ages 13 to 16) - $355
Youth (Ages 17 to 18) - $423.50
Senior Social - $450
Senior Performance (All players selected in WSL + Mens & Womens Champ) - $558
In 2025 due to an increase in fees from Football Australia and Football Tasmania, and the increase in costs for operating the club, there are some fee increases - whereas in 2024 Taroona Football Club absorbed any increases. This year, to ensure we continue to operate, we have had to slightly increase some fees.
The fee includes team training each week, training & game day equipment/balls, for senior teams: playing strip & shared club costs across teams.
Players have the option to organise Individual Player Sponsorship to cover their registration fee, please touch base if you are interested in this option. Taroona FC are always looking for sponsors, and we have many packages available ranging from a $1,000 package (which includes a banner of the sponsoring business displayed at home games) to whole team sponsorship. More information can be found here. Please contact for more information.
To ensure we keep registration fees as low as possible, we continue to seek volunteers to operate the club and take on roles/tasks. You can get involved with a vacant role/task
Ticket to Play provides two vouchers up to $100 each towards club membership for children aged 5-18 years and listed on a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card or in Out of Home Care. Vouchers can be both used at once for your registration. Learn more about Ticket to Play:
The online registration is easy and step by step, just follow the prompts on the website.
If you have forgotten your password and registration number (like most of us!) you will be able to obtain these from the Play Football website and update your details for next time.
Prior to registration, you will be asked to read and acknowledge any policy documents, please tick to finalise.
NOTE: to be eligible to play and be placed in a team, you must complete your registration, including online payment.
If you have any questions about the season, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Registrar or Junior & Youth Working Group.