This Learning Life through Sport Forum is an opportunity not to be missed by any coach, parent, board or committee member. All coaches or leaders within our community are encouraged to attend.
Learning Life through Sport is a program designed to challenge social norms and inspire people and their communities to bring a new standard of behaviour and respect to sport and life. Learning Life through Sport identifies positive ways to alter the inherited and often unacceptable behaviour of coaches, players, parents and supporters in junior sports. These behaviours include umpire dissent and abuse (bullying), bad sportsmanship and a lack of respect for sporting codes and participants of sport.
Learning Life through Sport, when adopted as a whole competition approach, will show that rapid, impactful behavioural and cultural change.
The new paradigm of learning life through sport is based on key values, supported by behaviours, creating the change we need to see. These values become non negotiables embraced by the governing sport bodies and reinforced consistently by team coaches and clubs involved in sport.
The event is free, but please RSVP using the following link:
Event Details:
Tuesday 21st May 1pm – 2pm – Hobart Athletics Centre Tuesday 21st May 6pm – 8pm – Hobart Athletics Centre