2023 Sponsorship
We're excited to share our updated 2023 Sponsorship Package with you all, with some exciting news for players!
Click here to view our Sponsorship Page which includes a link to our downloadable Sponsorship Package. Included is an overview of our Minor and Major Sponsorship Packages, as well as an overview of individual team sponsorships. Please note that these packages can be tailored, just contact Sam Johnson (president@taroonafc.org) to discuss further.
We'd like to extend a special thanks to ACEN Renewables for their continued support for the club, and for signing on to be the Men's Championship Major Sponsor for 2023. We're also incredibly excited to announce that Hall Payne Lawyers is coming on board as the Major Sponsor for both our Women's Super League and Women's Super League Development teams.
Partner with a Pirate
We're also excited to announce a brand new Sponsorship Scheme for Taroona FC players who bring in support to the Club in the form of Sponsorships. Here's the deal:
If a Taroona FC player secures a new sponsor for the Club (for any sponsorship level or amount), the player will receive 10% of the sponsorship amount back from their registration fees. For example, if a player secures a sponsor for $500, they get $50 off their registration fees. Savvy?
We look forward to working with new sponsors in the 2023 season, and beyond. And we look forward to being able to offer this great new Sponsorship Scheme for our players to benefit from!